What exactly is being tested?
Grünseis-Pacher: We first inform participants about the potential personal limitations they might have driving the car – based on their illness or disability. In seven exercises, basic skills are being tested in traffic reduced areas. Subsequently, the driving style is being analyzed in real situations for 60 minutes. During a standardized observation trip in traffic, special attention is paid to the required vehicle-specific performance aspects such as attention, reaction, concentration and the ability to keep track of the overall situation. During the drive, one expert acts as the driving instructor and is able to take over in case of an emergency. The second mobility specialist observes – among other things – the behavior of the student and his viewing ability. The impressions are documented during the drive in yet another standardized protocol. After this lesson, participants complete a self-assessment form. After the authorities have issued an official certificate based on the analysis, the student and family members are invited to a final meeting. The behavior during the drive, the result of the driving aptitude test, the future course of action and potentially necessary vehicle adaptations are reviewed. What’s more, the results of the subjective assessment is compared to the objective assessment. Empirically, the perception of the impaired driving license holder drastically differs from the objective expert assessment. These findings are scientifically analyzed in various studies.
How well is this service accepted?
Grünseis-Pacher: The driver safety courses are offered between August and November. The courses are fully sold out every year. We have up to 1,000 participants. We offer the driving aptitude assessments throughout the year during several days of the month.
Interested parties from Germany primarily seek us out for driving aptitude assessments to drive a truck. In 2012, I obtained my driving school instructor license for heavy-duty trucks and tractor-trailers and had a truck converted for this purpose. That’s why I am able to offer driving aptitude assessments for truck drivers with physical impairments.
You have published a study on driving safety assessment in 2012. What were your conclusions?
Grünseis-Pacher: We were able to prove that persons who were labeled “not safe to drive” based on the medical and psychological examination (MPU in German, VPU in Austria), might indeed definitely be able to drive safely. Forty-eight percent of the test results – conducted at the computer – did not match our results from the practical tests. We have therefore concluded that a medical and psychological evaluation is not 100% valid in determining the driving aptitude of a person and that the driving behavior analysis developed by CLUB MOBIL provides safe and reliable information about the actual ability to operate a vehicle.
To what extent are you able to promote the mobility of people with disability with your service?
Grünseis-Pacher: Our driver safety courses give drivers with physical impairments the opportunity to practice the proper handling of dangerous situations. The driving aptitude assessment lets people who have just recently become physically impaired, test – before they have to actually review this with a public authority – whether and to what extent they are once again able to reenter traffic situations, without having to worry about losing their driver’s license. Our students receive tips on various training programs. We are able to give them the ability to stay safe on the road and gain back their mobility in life.