Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann
As children with disabilities or chronic illnesses grow up, families often face challenges in making their daily lives both feasible and fulfilling. Mobility solutions, daily living aids and even special furniture can make a significant contribution. They are designed to allow children more self-determination and to promote their participation in society.Mika Volkmann
Inspiring and encouraging others: This is always a personal concern for Kim Cremer. After a motorcycle accident, he wears a prosthetic leg and is passionate about sport . In the interview on, he explains why he would like to invent an assistive device for people with visual impairments and why, in his opinion, social media does not fulfill its purpose completely satisfactorily.private
Assistive devices such as a wheelchair are not an impediment for people with disabilities, but allow them freedom and self-determination. This was also the case for Hans-Jürgen Rohe: after Lyme disease turned his life plans upside down, it was ultimately the wheelchair that enabled him to re-enter social life. On, he explains how the initial setback ultimately became his profession.private
As a mother with a disability, Svenja Gluth sometimes faces special challenges – and finds creative solutions. For her family, her disability is a natural part of life, and together they always find a way to make everyday life more active. At, she explains why she would like to travel into the future instead of the past and what makes REHACARE so special for her.26/09/2024
Experience REHACARE 2024 through the eyes of journalists: From innovative products to inspiring encounters, every shot from the press tour is truly captivating.Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe
165,725 severely disabled people were unemployed in Germany on average in 2023. This figure illustrates the ongoing challenge: people with disabilities often find it more difficult to find a job on the primary labor market than jobseekers without disabilities, despite having good qualifications.Ribcap
People with disabilities often need clothing that is adapted to their individual needs. These garments are characterised by functional elements. However, some manufacturers not only fulfil the practical but also the fashion requirements of their customers.Dossier/andererseits
Inclusive journalism aims to make access to information as barrier-free as possible: through plain language and content that is also suitable for people with visual or hearing disabilities. The editorial teams of the Austrian magazines andererseits and Dossier have also recognized this and started an experiment.FullAccess
Whether it's a festival or a football match: attending large events is often not an easy undertaking for people with disabilities. This is why Christina Riedler and Martina Gollner focus on accessibility and participation in the often neglected leisure sector with their agency FullAccess Event Services in Austria.EnableMe
Joachim Schoss is the founder of EnableMe and an ambassador for the #TogetherForInclusion initiative. His personal experiences shaped his desire to make a difference. With EnableMe, Schoss has created a broad-based platform for people with disabilities that addresses important issues in their private and professional lives.Christoph Klemens
On her travels around the world, Sabine Klemens feels true freedom and lightness. As often as possible, she travels with her family in a caravan and discovers new things - although she still has a few dream destinations to visit. Why her wheelchair should have a parachute and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on Gasper
Whether basketball or tennis – sports are a central part of Timo Schmiesing's life. That's why inclusion and better supply of assistive devices are particularly important to him, both in everyday life and in sports. What other aids he would like to have and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us at / envato
Adaptive fashion is not a trend. It’s a sign of the shift towards a more open, inclusive society. The term appears both in Germany and throughout the world when describing well-designed, stylish clothing that caters to the individual needs and requirements of people with various disabilities. takes an aesthetic and functional look at this attractive topic.Förderverein Para Leichtathletik / Kevin Voigt
A milestone for disabled sport in Germany: for the first time, the Paralympics will be broadcast in prime time on ARD (German public-service broadcaster). On September 2 and 4, after the daily news at 8:15 p.m., sports fans will be able to watch the competitions live. Long jumper Markus Rehm and other top athletes will be competing at the World Games for people with disabilities.G. Klauke/GGT
When people think of accessible living, they have images of wheelchairs and walking frames in their heads. But accessibility should be considered for everyone – as a matter of course and in every building construction. Only then will it become widespread. spoke to Martina Koepp, Managing Director of GGT, about challenges and solutions for age-appropriate and accessible living.Jens Fricke
Sarah Brückner is a passionate musician. Together with her husband, she performs as the folk duo Mrs. Greenbird. An accident in 2021 changed many things. As a social pedagogue, Sarah Brückner had already fought for inclusion in the past. What has changed for her as a prosthesis user and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on Living & Health Center e.V.
The "House of the Future" is located in the heart of Marzahn-Hellersdorf in Berlin. It is part of the Unfallkrankenhaus (Accident hospital) Berlin (ukb) – an innovative facility dedicated to promoting a self-determined life. In June, the center invites you to a special open day.Motion Solutions GmbH
Achim Bauch is one of thousands of people worldwide who are still living with the consequences of the thalidomide scandal of the late 1950s and early 1960s. Which moment he remembers most fondly from a few years ago and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on
A few years ago, sepsis changed Christina Keil's entire life. The consequences of an induced coma following heart surgery are still with her today. But Christina Keil firmly believes that a positive spirit attracts positive things. What she is particularly grateful to the nursing staff for during her time in hospital and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on Cäsar
Whether for his club or for Team Germany – Lukas Gloßner is a wheelchair basketball player with all his heart. His big goal is to take part in the 2024 Summer Paralympic Games. Along the way, he has learned a lot and developed clear ideas about how he wants to live his life with a disability. Who he would like to meet and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on Beckmann
For Katharina Hesener, many movements are associated with great effort. The 23-year-old has limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (muscle atrophy) and organizes her everyday life very differently than most other people her age – with assistive devices ranging from wheelchairs to garbage grabbers. How she tells the world about her life and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on
The dream of the Paralympics came true for Abdulgazi Karaman in 1992. Back then, the 53-year-old played for the German wheelchair basketball team and won silver. Today, Abdulgazi Karaman himself is looking for future talents in wheelchair basketball. What he wants from politics and society and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on Disability Forum
Over 100 million people with disabilities in Europe face challenges in accessing election information through digital channels and events. The European Disability Forum has introduced checklists and scoring systems to help political parties and campaigns enhance accessibility, encouraging self-assessment and learning, with the aim of fostering inclusive communication and events.PXL
Stefan Palkowski loves sport. Whether it's soccer at Fortuna Düsseldorf or fitness in the woods – exercise is the be-all and end-all for the 53-year-old. The man from Gelsenkirchen has correspondingly high expectations of his prostheses. Why he sees a need for improvement in public spaces rather than in his fellow human beings and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on Lasers / Unsplash
It appears to be magic: seemingly out of nowhere, modern 3D printers not only create shapes and figures, but also entire kits for technical devices. The assistive technology industry is recognizing the almost infinite possibilities of 3D printing. From customized prostheses to ergonomic seat cushions – the future of this technology has only just begun.private
Kathrin Bay lives at her own pace: Due to a nerve disorder, slight movements, touches and even the wind cause severe pain in her feet, legs and joints. But Kathrin Bay has learned to deal with it. She is grateful for the assistive devices that support her. What she wishes for from society and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on Spaedtke
Whether surfing on the ocean or climbing the Sugar Loaf Mountain – Johnny Grasser loves a challenge. The fact that not everything always goes smoothly is part of his success. Because you learn from your mistakes. That's why the 34-year-old would like us all to have the courage to make mistakes. How assistive devices could be designed better and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on Disability Forum
A delegation from the European Disability Forum, led by Nadia Hadad, met the Director General of the European Commission's Directorate General for Mobility and Transport, Magda Kopczynska. The meeting focused on issues such as ensuring equal access to transport for people with disabilities and guaranteeing their rights as passengers when traveling by air.European Disability Forum
The 2023 edition of the European Accessibility Summit was organised by the European Disability Forum. Several industry representatives and disability rights activists discussed the current opportunities and trends related to accessibility, especially since the adoption of the European Accessibility Act.private
Out in nature is where Sina Schachel feels at home. She enjoys leading an active life with her husband and their dogs. What can she do without? She can do without overbearing and paternalistic behavior. Unfortunately, she says, there is still far too much of that in our society. Which statements she finds particularly inappropriate and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on Para Games
After a one-year postponement due to COVID-19, the Hangzhou Asian Paralympic Games were held from October 22 to October 28. A total of 44 National Paralympic Committees (NPCs) competed in 564 medal events in 22 sports.Drive Medical GmbH & Co. KG
Ilona Traupe has founded a sports group in Göttingen that integrates rollators into its gymnastics as an aid. Drive Medical GmbH & Co. KG supports this project and donated five walkers to the SC Hainberg association for exercise purposes.Alwin Zwiebel
We have to talk to each other to find solutions together – that is what Moritz Brückner believes. Sport is a good example of this – because hardly anything works here without teamwork. At the same time, sports give you so much in return, he revealed as a speaker at REHACARE 2023. Which assistive devices have the highest priority for him and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on Disability Forum
The European Accessibility Summit discussed the importance of creating an inclusive digital work environment for workers with disabilities and promoting digital skills for all. The panel highlighted the challenges faced by people with disabilities in digital inclusion and emphasized the need for accessibility and reasonable accommodation.Andi Weiland, Boehringer Ingelheim /
Workplace inclusion – a topic that has preoccupied many people for decades, but continues to receive little attention in society. Instead of asking what measures can be taken to make a workplace barrier-free, many people with disabilities are still excluded and labelled as "not employable".private
Lea Habekost loves being out in nature. Whether in the forest with her dog or in the mountains with her family – no path is too difficult for the 22-year-old. Also thanks to an additional wheel and drive for her wheelchair. Where she thinks the assistive technology industry should definitely remain flexible and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on Weiland /
Participation is not the same as taking part. Many people with a disability are no strangers to this realization. At REHACARE 2023, Susanne Schmidt from the German Association for the Hearing Impaired explained to us where the problems lie in the participation of people with a hearing impairment and what technical, but also very human solutions are possible.Private
Her son, her husband, her neurologist – they make up Tatjana B.'s personal support team. Outside this environment, the young woman with MS would like to see more sensitivity and understanding from society – even when the symptoms of a disease are invisible. What changes she would like to see in the health care system and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on
Sailing is a matter of the heart for Elke Paatz. She has already convinced many people at REHACARE 2022 that the sport can also be practised inclusively – and the next presentation is already planned. Which body part she would like for her telepresence robot Robbi and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on
Challenges big and small are part of everyday life for Paul O'Dono. This makes it all the more important for him to find people who have had similar experiences in life. Together with these people, he campaigns for more accessibility – both online and offline. What makes Tom Cruise so unique for him and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on Disability Forum
The updated Regulation on Rail Passenger Rights enters into force on June 7, 2023, enhancing and in some cases strengthening passengers' rights during train travel. The regulation aims to ensure consistent protection for rail passengers in the EU, particularly focusing on those with disabilities.Private
Whether disability, hair colour or clothing style – for Mano Grande, such characteristics are just ballast that leads to people being pigeonholed. With his podcast, the 40-year-old wants to contribute to seeing people as the individuals they really are. What he thinks about the German content creators Rezo and Julien Bam and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on; Andi Weiland |
Self-determination is one of the basic needs of every person. However, the everyday life of people with disabilities often becomes more difficult due to various barriers and restricted mobility. This frequently also applies when it comes to driving a car. Individual adaptations and digital solutions, however, often make this possible again.Timo Hermann |
Riding a bike or going for a hike at the weekend – what is normal for many can be a great challenge for people with mobility impairments. When participation in social life is impeded, the quality of life often suffers. The effects vary depending on the degree to which people are affected. Thankfully, many companies offer solutions to manage the desire for mobility in leisure activities.Daniel Cati
For deaf people like Benedikt Sequeira Gerardo, it is small or invisible devices that make all the difference in everyday life. These include smartphones with apps and other software. But development is stalling in some areas. Where he would like to see more inventiveness and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on
Heidi from Coventry set a Guinness World Records title by recalling 70 celebrity birthdays with ease. The record was achieved under Guinness World Records' new impairments initiative, which promotes inclusion for people with learning disabilities. In a separate attempt, Harvey Price, along with ten friends from a residential college, is drawing a 20m long train to break the Guinness World Record.Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare
Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare offers a variety of medical supplies that make travel easier for people with disabilities. These include foldable wheelchairs as well as specialized medical equipment such as portable oxygen tanks, inhalers and pulse oximeters.Ottobock
The medical technology company Ottobock was honored with the RI Centennial Award for its commitment to people with disabilities. The award ceremony took place as part of the celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the Rehabilitation International (RI) organization in Beijing.N. Kraß
Nicole Kraß loves diving. Even her diagnosis of multiple sclerosis did not change that. With her website "Tauchen mit Handicap" (Diving with a handicap), the self-employed journalist now stands up for all people who want to follow the same passion – despite physical limitations. Which fictional character we should all take as an example and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on Disability Forum
The new EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Reporting requires companies operating in the EU to report on their practices for the inclusion of persons with disabilities and other marginalized groups. The reporting standards have been published, and companies will gradually implement them starting from the financial year 2024.PARAVAN
PARAVAN GmbH demonstrates a wide range of possibilities for individually adapting vehicles and machines to make it easier for people with disabilities to re-enter working life, whether through adaptations to access or the control of the vehicles. Inclusion in the workplace requires willingness and a common basic understanding among all parties involved.Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann
As a trade fair for rehabilitation and care, REHACARE has been a meeting place for people who work in this specialist field or individuals who themselves have a disability and their relatives for over 40 years. Each come to discover the latest developments and opportunities, for example in the field of aids, training and careers, therapy or travel/leisure.Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann
In times of skills shortages, more companies are recognizing the potential of inclusion in the labor market. Many job advertisements now explicitly address people with disabilities. Public agencies provide support and advice on (re)entering the workforce.Ottobock
The Ottobock company celebrates life with its first global brand campaign #IAmAMountain. The song "Mountain" by Sam Ryder, which is the centerpiece of the campaign, is about perseverance and courage while Ottobock's campaign focuses on inspiring people with disabilities and their stories to change the image of them in society.private
Life as a great adventure – Maik Birko is living this dream. The 41-year-old is currently preparing for a trip to Norway. But the path to a self-determined, cosmopolitan life was not easy for the Hamburg resident. Which challenges he had to face, who he is particularly grateful to and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on
Everyone likes to travel. A vacation promises relaxation, action and adventure or simply a break from everyday life. Even if people with disabilities must consider more than people without disabilities when planning a trip, a vacation according to one's own interests is no longer an unreachable goal. The travel industry has a lot to offer these days.Harder Than You Think
Harder Than You Think (HTYT) and P&G Studios are collaborating to create a new documentary film, "Rising Phoenix: A New Revolution (w/t)," aimed at sparking a global conversation on disability equality. The film follows on from the success of the double Emmy Award winning film Rising Phoenix, released in 2020.REHACARE China
REHACARE SHANGHAI will be upgraded to REHACARE CHINA and relocated to Suzhou, offering a platform for communication and cooperation among rehabilitation companies, medical institutions, and service organizations.Fotograf Groos
The German Social Code – for most non-lawyers a jungle of paragraphs. Sima Surkamp helps people with disabilities find their way through this jungle and become aware of their legal rights with regard to assistance services. How she wants to promote self-determination and social participation and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on Düsseldorf / Andreas Wiese
Many people engage in sports in their free time. Some want to promote their own health, others want to achieve a specific goal. Some people use sport to clear their heads, while others simply enjoy it. Sports activities also serve as a meeting place for social contacts and shared experiences.European Disability Forum
On May 23, the European Parliament and the European Disability Forum renewed their long-standing partnership to host the "5th European Parliament of People with Disabilities". An event that allows disability representatives and people with disabilities to share their concerns directly with European Union policy makers.PARAVAN
The Space Drive driving and steering system from PARAVAN enables Ingrid Höhling, wo has Postpolio, to steer her new VW Caddy 5 with her left foot without much effort and without tiring.private
To live self-determined and not have to justify being human – these are Verena Engler's expectations of society. But what sounds simple often encounters obstacles such as stigmatisation and misplaced pity in reality. Why she is nonetheless grateful for the people who did not mean well for her and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on
To be a free man – on the slopes of this world. That is what drives Baggio Zhong. For him, skiing is like flying over snow. Thanks to state-of-the-art technology – some of it from his own company – a dream come true again. Why he would like to meet his future self and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on
Permobil has published its sustainability report which underlines that their key contribution to sustainability is raising the societal inclusion question. To drive change and increase inclusiveness and diversity, Permobil ran a campaign to challenge attitudes and inspire others to see possibilities in every individual.private
For Dr. Leopold Rupp, his wheelchairs are part of his everyday life. He owns several of them – for work in the hospital, for home and for outdoors. Looking to the future, he reveals why he would like to see more aids and functions – at least as long as there are still steps. Which US president he would like to meet and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on
Hao Chen loves to run. The 28-year-old has already completed countless marathons. The loss of his hearing at the age of one also taught him the necessary willpower. Since then, Hao Chen has repeatedly faced obstacles – and overcome them. What he expects from the assistive technology industry and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on
Autonomy instead of dependency, social inclusion instead of social isolation – that's the motto of ergoflix. Leveraging high levels of motivation and conviction, the medical equipment manufacturer is committed to making it easier to access smart and aesthetic mobility equipment. The company developed a series of foldable electric wheelchair models that promote an active and flexible lifestyle.Carrefour
Carrefour is stepping up its support for people on the autism spectrum with a number of initiatives with for example store maps on the bars of its shopping trollies. After "quiet shopping times" were integrated two years ago, this is another important step to make life easier for people with disabilities when shopping.private
Marion Fischer lives for working with people. The 22-year-old is a curative education nurse and works in a children's and youth hospice. She recently learned how important it is to give everyone a place in the middle of society when she was diagnosed with a rare form of Parkinson's disease. What she is fighting for and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on Sesser
Para athletes like Robyn Lambird, Frances Rivera and Kanya Sesser are embracing their bodies and leading the revolution to make the fashion industry more inclusive for people with disabilities.Xiaxia
An unexpected amputation completely changed Rong Xia's life. But she took this as an opportunity to deal with the topic professionally and to found her own company for the development of prostheses. What her goals are and how else she rolls, she tells us on Disability Forum
An evaluation report by the European Commission reported on the first three years of application of the Web Accessibility Directive (WAD). The period of the review overlaps with the accelerated digital transformation brought on by the pandemic.Flexo-Handlaufsysteme GmbH
Code-compliant handrail systems provide safety and make stairs accessible and usable for more people. They help reduce fall risk, facilitate more mobility, and allow people to gain access to all rooms. Thanks to its work with older adults and people with disabilities, Flexo-Handlaufsysteme GmbH knows about potential barriers and has made it its mission to promote the self-determination of people.PARAVAN
At the rehaKIND congress, PARAVAN presents the versatile wheelchair portfolio of the PR series for children with a seat concept that grows with the child. There is a wide range of possible uses. With the adaptable power wheelchairs, children are in the middle of the action and not just there.private
Writing a book – a dream for many people. For Karina Sturm, it was a chance to accept her diagnosis. By giving advice, she wants to enable other people to do what she has managed to do herself: to become an active part of their own disease management and to live a self-determined life. How she rolls otherwise, she tells us on
Nowadays, mobility for many people with disabilities means being able to be self-determined in their own car. One prerequisite for this is a driver's license. Which detours and obstacles Sascha Scholz had to overcome to get his license, where he went on his subsequent European tour, and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on Estebar
Self-determined mobility is possible in Kae Tran's everyday life mainly through her walking stick. The aid has become her most important companion. What changes she would like to see in rollators and in society, what role mental health plays for her and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on Düsseldorf / ctillmann
Humans have always been resourceful when it came to creating solutions to compensate for physical disabilities. In ancient Egypt, prosthetic devices for the big toe provided suppor. It’s anyone’s guess how well or badly their respective users could walk or eat with these tools. We know that they could not visit the REHACARE trade fair back in those days.Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann
TREFFPUNKT REHACARE is your central platform for lectures, panel discussions, and the exchange of information and experience. Topics included the digitization of the workplace and recreational environment, technical assistance and vocational rehabilitation with a focus on exoskeletons, job coaching, and rehabilitation for people living with long or post-COVID conditions.privat
Victoria H. sees the world with more mindful eyes since she had to get to know herself and her body anew. However, she has retained her enthusiasm for sports and has found many new ways to practice it. What kind of role REHACARE plays in this, why straws are an important assistive device in her everyday life and what how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on
Children need room to roam, explore, and learn how to set and respect boundaries. Unfortunately, children with disabilities may encounter barriers when it comes to these life activities. Luckily, there is a myriad of assistive technology devices to face any obstacle: REHACARE 2022 showcased tools that ran the gamut from car seats, rehab buggies to standing mobility and movement devices.Wolturnus
Mobility is key for overall child development. That is why children who have limited movement depend on getting the right wheelchair at an early stage to compensate for their disability and encourage participation. Manufacturers of pediatric wheelchairs are acutely aware of the important role they play in this setting. They showcased a wide variety of wheelchairs for children at REHACARE 2022.Svenjas Welt
Getting used to an assistive device is not always easy. That's how Svenja felt about her wheelchair at first. But now she appreciates how much freedom and flexibility it gives her in everyday life. Which other aid she thinks should be invented and which special wheelchair she once discovered at REHACARE, she tells us on Hoempler
Whether it's festivals or downhill skateboarding – Antonio Hoempler loves action and adaptive sports. He also enjoys riding his handbike. With the support of friends and assistive devices, he can pursue his many interests. How he rolls otherwise, he tells us on
Whether visitors or exhibitors – REHACARE has always stood for personal encounters. People from all over the world come together at the largest trade fair for rehabilitation and care. In the exhibition halls, they can not only try out the countless products, but also exchange ideas with each other. And REHACARE is the perfect place for that!17/09/2022
The thumb clearly points upwards. REHACARE 2022 leaves behind enthusiastic visitors and exhibitors. Many people seeking and offering help have come together in Düsseldorf, countless aids have been viewed, tested and tried on. A successful trade fair for rehabilitation and care comes to an end after four days.17/09/2022
Up close and live on site: REHACARE, the world's largest trade fair for rehabilitation and care, showed what the assistive technology industry has to offer in terms of technological innovations with numerous new and proven products to touch and try out. Whether rehabilitation, care, mobility or occupational participation – the diversity of the industry was omnipresent.15/09/2022
Exciting presentations and lively exchange: The expert forums TREFFPUNKT REHACARE (Hall 6/E25) and PRODUCTS & NEWS @REHACARE (powered by MOBITIPP) (Hall 4/H07) offer interesting insights into a wide variety of topics. The programs are packed full. A visit is worthwhile!14/09/2022
Dribbling, shooting and hitting the goal? Fortuna Düsseldorf can do that! But does it work without them seeing anything? Together with our trade fair team, they ventured onto the field at the REHACARE 2022 Sports Center and tried it out. The conclusion of everyone involved: it was fun!Katja Tefiki
Katja Tefiki had to completely reorganize her everyday life after she became paraplegic. She got her driver's license and today her car and wheelchair are her indispensable companions. She loves long car rides and paragliding is also one of her passions. How she rolls otherwise, she tells us on Andale
Whether it's a cane or a walker, walking aids can make a significant contribution to greater mobility and a more self-determined life. Tahina Andale has also made this experience. Why the path to this realization was not always easy and what else has helped her to cope better with her chronic illness, she tells us on
What does inclusive sailing entail? Just ask Elke Paatz. She practically grew up on a sailboat and has become disabled as the result of a sports accident. Paatz is the contact person for inclusive (adaptive) sailing on behalf of the German Sailing Federation (German: Deutscher Segler Verband), DSV.Ribcap
A good night sleep contributes to a healthy life and a good mood. That is why equipment supporting and improving sleep quality is on the rise. Ribcap now developed a high-quality weighted blanket to increase not only sleep quality but also inclusion. The company targets an underrecognized group: people with different conditions that decrease their sleep quality.Dot Incorporation
The new Dot Pad is not only smaller and lighter, but also much cheaper than conventional tactile displays – making them more affordable and accessible for people with vision impairments. Dot Inc makes the online world of images more accessible and aims to improve other areas as well. In our interview the Senior Manager Mergel Takam talks about the advantages and technology behind the Dot Pad.privat
More awareness in everyday life – that's what Hannah B. wishes from society in regards to disabilities and their various forms. On, the 25-year-old from Berlin reveals who or what restored her lost self-confidence and how she rolls otherwise.Jana Bittner
Sport as a means of inclusion – that can work. Marco Pompe is convinced of that. On he reveals how he envisions it, which barriers he would still like to break down for people with disabilities and how he rolls otherwise.privat
When talking about disabilities, many people first think of a person in a wheelchair. However, there are numerous physical and mental disabilities that are not visible at first glance. On Christian S. tells us how he deals with his invisible disability and what he expects from society when it comes to dealing with disabilities.Stiftung Pfennigparade
I am here, we are here, and the world should know it – with this message, the World Cerebral Palsy Day on October 6 should not only draw more attention to the disease. It is also intended to raise awareness of the fact that there is still a lot of catching up to do in terms of the participation of people with cerebral palsy in many areas of society.Lukas Kapfer |
Whether it affects cultural, political, economic, or social life – people with disabilities have a right to participation. This was recognized and stipulated in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. But how is society as a whole implementing this directive? How are inclusion and participation put into practice and what role do companies play in promoting diversity?LIFEtool
Whether it is voice recognition with or without eye tracking technology, educational or speech recognition software – assistive technology builds bridges that allow people to get in touch with their surroundings.Andi Weiland | Boehringer Ingelheim,
Especially for blind and visually impaired people, the lack of or non-working augmentative communication devices frequently means that they have no prospect of participating in the workplace. We discussed with Bruno Behrendt from Papenmeier why screen readers are sometimes nothing more than pretty tools and learned why technical support is THE perennial issue when it comes to customer service.Rolling Pants
March and April are the months the media home in on the fashion trends of Spring/Summer 2021 – as do (online) stores, of course. High time for to check in with several labels. And who knows? Maybe your closet will soon also feature a piece of some of our highlighted brands?Quokka
Sometimes an outfit is just an outfit – perhaps it’s not terribly exciting or unique, but it does the job. But expressing your individuality from time to time never hurt anyone. How do you showcase your personal style? With the right accessories: a scarf, a belt, or a matching bag. took a closer look at companies that accommodate the specific needs of people with disabilities.Andi Weiland | Boehringer Ingelheim,
Not many of us are lucky enough to find our dream job and stay in it until the day we retire. Sometimes this might be due to health and medical reasons, which could necessitate occupational rehabilitation. If people have a severe disability, Germany’s Federal Integration Offices, or Inclusion Offices along with the pension insurance providers are the responsible authorities.Myd'l
Shopping – especially in city centers – can quickly turn from pleasure to frustration. Namely, when stores are only accessible via one or more steps. The French company Myd'l has a solution ready for every barrier in terms of accessibility – whether private or business. Successfully active in international business for 22 years, the manufacturer now also offers its products in Germany.OrCam
Off the soccer field, professional footballer Lionel Messi is known for his commercials for Pepsi, Lay's or Dolce & Gabbana. Now he has also become the brand ambassador for OrCam MyEye and shines a bright light on this unique assistive technology. Why did the two decide to form this rather unusual partnership?Sunrise Medical
From the valley to the hut in a wheelchair – and no shuttle bus or mountain railway required. Wheelchair manufacturer Sunrise Medical teamed up with various partners as part of a joint initiative to turn this idea into a reality.Exero Technologies
Activities aiming at occupational therapy and rehabilitation are boring? Not necessarily! A new assistive exercise and sports equipment named Spike is not only designed to be fun, but also suitable for everybody who wants to get and stay fit. How this works for whom and what kind of history connects Spike with REHACARE? We asked!Brio Photography / Pro Walk GmbH
Safe walking without tripping or falling is challenging for people with foot drop. Luckily there are technologies that provide active support by using functional electrical stimulation (FES). Pro Walk GmbH delivers these types of foot drop systems. How do these devices allow users to complete everyday tasks? asked Nico Riedl, Product Manager and Physiotherapist at Pro Walk GmbH.PantherMedia/ufabizphoto
Coronavirus-related restrictions, social distancing, and hygiene guidelines have permeated all sections of society for months. These strategies have also affected the work of the Federal Association of Self-Help Organizations for People with Disabilities and Chronic Diseases. We spoke to Dr. Martin Danner about the challenges of the past few months and the future of self-help settings.PantherMedia/mavoimages
What are strategies for successful inclusion in the primary labor market? Many employers only have a vague idea of what this entails, revealing the importance of comprehensive and practical information. The new REHADAT Gute Praxis (English: Best Practice) portal aims to be their go-to resource – and includes 900 practical examples. Why are they especially useful? We asked...Jakob Gsöllpointner/MOB Industries
Fashion without barriers – that’s the mission of Viennese-based startup MOB Industries (German: Mode Ohne Barrieren, hence the abbreviation MOB). How has the coronavirus outbreak affected the company’s latest collection and how do functionality and aesthetics go hand in hand? asked MOB founder and CEO Josefine Thom.Andi Weiland |
How are families of children with disabilities coping during the coronavirus crisis? A recent online survey asked this question, prompting over 1,600 participants to respond in just two weeks. What do the survey results reveal about the current state of society in terms of social participation and inclusion? We asked Dorothea Kugelmeier and Dr. Raimund Schmolze-Krahn, who launched the study.ReWalk Robotics
Rehabilitation and robotics increasingly go hand in hand. That’s why it is crucial to ensure the quality of robotic rehabilitation at any level. How important is it for companies like ReWalk Robotics to have the support of health insurance companies? asked and also learned about the company’s future hopes for the industry.14/05/2020
If fashion is practical and also keeps up with the latest chic trends, it has achieved its goal. We present pictures of two fashion labels that combine great style and functionality and make it work in everyday life and not just for wheelchair users and people of short stature.beta-web
Grabbing things, eating and drinking on your own – no matter how well your own hand or arm is still able to function. EXXOMOVE® UG aims to make it a reality. The company’s BATEO assistive robotic arm and CARBONHAND hand orthosis promote self-determination and mobility of people who are impaired in their motor skills as the result of an accident or disability.MovingLife
Traveling with a mobility aid should be easy: Simply fold it up if needed and take it with you in the car or even on the plane. The foldable scooter ATTO from MovingLife makes all of this possible. talked with Marcel Zwart, MovingLife Sales Manager EMEAI (Europe, Middle East, Africa & India), about ATTO being a game-changer for people with mobility impairments when they travel.Heidehotel Bad Bevensen@FDS Hotel gGmbH
When people with disabilities plan a trip, accessible accommodations are typically a critical aspect to consider. Both the hotel room and the surroundings should offer all the typical amenities, but also address the person’s special needs. showcases three hotels that want to facilitate comfort and ease, especially for people with mobility disabilities.beta-web
Whether at work or at home – most of us cannot imagine living without a computer. But what happens if someone is unable to operate a keyboard and control a mouse with their hands because of a disability? The LIFEtool Solutions GmbH from Austria has developed a great solution – the IntegraMouse. We met up with CEO David Hofer at REHACARE 2019.Die Neue Norm
Diversity makes our society richer and stronger. That is why the podcast "Die Neue Norm" (English: The New Norm) does not center on people with disabilities but society as a whole – which includes people with disabilities. Once a month, the podcast features journalists Jonas Karpa, Judyta Smykowski and activist Raul Krauthausen as they discuss topics that move them, their listeners or society.Daniela Luquini
Inclusive design, adaptive fashion – there are many terms that describe this phenomenon in German and English-speaking countries. But what are the features of (great) fashion designed for people with disabilities? And is clothing for wheelchair users and little people still an untapped market? took a closer look at the fashion industry.Anna Spindelndreier
Standard clothing sizes can give us a reference point when we buy clothes. And now, this is finally also an option for little people – thanks to ready-to-wear fashion from AUF AUGENHOEHE. In this interview with, company founder Sema Gedik reveals how this up-and-coming label wants to parlay its everyday fashion ideas into increased participation and inclusion in the fashion industry.Lawson Filho
Pants, jackets or dresses – if you use a wheelchair, you inherently have a different perspective on clothing compared to other fashionistas who are able to walk. Fashion-conscious wheelchair users have to first find companies or labels that not only meet functional and adaptive clothing requirements, but also cater to their sense of fashion and style.meinHOLTZ
Is it a skateboard with no wheels? No, it’s a transfer board made by meinHOLTZ! These modern boards help people who use wheelchairs to easily move from one surface to another on their own. Not only does this make transfers easy, but the assistive devices also look stylish and sophisticated.beta-web
Sitting while standing up – Standing Ovation makes this oxymoron possible. The rail system with its C-shaped seat bar and seat lifting unit allows Austrian chef Peter Lammer to sustain his job despite an 80 percent disability rating pertaining to his legs. With he talked about the invention that brought back his zest for life and the feedback he received at this year's trade fair.PantherMedia / Antonio Guillen Fernández
Visibility and sharing – these are just two reasons why people living with chronic illnesses and those with invisible disabilities engage on social networks. Using words, pictures, and hashtags, they talk about their lives, raise awareness and make their illness and symptoms tangible for others.Pro Walk GmbH
We all know that food intake is essential for the survival of every living organism. Yet for humans, food can also be a great source of pleasure or even love. At any rate, it is an important part of our social life. But what happens if our own body throws a monkey wrench into our food intake by having a stroke or neurological disorder?21/09/2019
Innovative, informative and inspiring – that was REHACARE 2019! There was a lot to discover this year among the 700 exhibitors: the latest trends and products, exciting lectures and many activities in the exhibition halls. These were the highlights.21/09/2019
Rail system, bracket, seat lifting unit – that’s Standing Ovation, developed by Peter Lammer, who could no longer exercise his cooking profession after an accident. Now he can pursue his profession and passion full of joy again. In Hall 6/E25 you can talk to him personally!20/09/2019
Unlimited freedom – that's what Scewo Bro promises. Stairs are no longer an obstacle for this power wheelchair. It is smart and child's play to operate. You can test drive the futuristic-looking wheelchair in Hall 6/F50!19/09/2019
Tying shoes can be a challenge for people with disabilities. With the no-tie shoelaces from QuickShoeLace it is a quick and easy task. Hard to imagine how this works? See for yourself – in hall 4/F40!18/09/2019
These dogs don't just look cute. Interested in what the animal helpers can do? Take a look at Rehahunde Deutschland in hall 6/C37 and Vita e.V. Assistenzhunde in hall 4/H40.18/09/2019
There's a lot going on at ReWalk! At the stand in hall 4/A05 there will be daily live presentations of the exoskeleton – with personal success stories of the ReWalkers. It's worth stopping by!Assistive Innovations bv
There are various different kinds of auxiliary means at REHACARE. And the drinking and eating aids are definitely among the popular ones. With its assistive devices the company Assistive Innovations bv from the Netherlands wants to help people with different disabilities to become more independent with eating. CEO Arthur Blom tells more about classic and new products.01/08/2019
The blind Conny Rippe has an office job where she organizes a lot and makes a lot of phone calls. This is made possible by the right assistive technology. In our report, she, her employer Regine Gessner and software manufacturer Hansjörg Lienert talk about the challenges and opportunities of everyday working life with visual impairment.19/06/2019
Explore old temples, become soccer world champion, fight space battles – video games make a lot of things possible. But still, complex controls and a one-size-fits-all hardware keep people with disabilities from fully enjoying games. We visited the gamer Melanie Eilert and took a look at the Microsoft Adaptive Controller that supports her in Xbox gaming.29/09/2018
Nothing about us without us – this is the central demand of activists with disabilities. They get involved socially and politically, both on a larger and a smaller scale. And they met this year for a get-together at REHACARE.01/04/2016
Let’s assess the situation: we asked around the social networks. What do people with different types of disabilities experience day-to-day when they go shopping? We wanted to find out what barriers they encounter, how they deal with them and what they expect from the retail industry.