Innovative and bursting with good ideas: This is how the international REHACARE 2019 trade fair presented itself at the trade fair centre in Düsseldorf. The trade fair ended on Saturday, 21 September 2019, after four days. 38,600 visitors gained information from 751 exhibitors from 43 countries on aids that make life easier for senior citizens, people with disabilities and people who require care. Self-help groups, social organisations and representatives from the political sphere put current questions around disability and health policies up for discussion.
“By doing so, REHACARE contributes significantly to securing independence and ensuring greater inclusion in daily life, care and the working world,” said Wolfram N. Diener, Operative Managing Director of Messe Düsseldorf, commenting on the importance of the trade fair. “When it comes to internationality, REHACARE’s offer has once again set standards. More than two thirds of the participants came from abroad. A thrilling mixture of established mid-sized companies, dynamic inventors and company founders won over visitors with their innovative solutions for almost every disability and area of life. Exhibitors presented products that are already available on the market as well as prototypes that will soon be ready for market.”
Dr. Martin Danner, Managing Director of BAG SELBSTHILFE (National Association for Personal Autonomous Development) described REHACARE 2019 as an information platform that “provided concentrated knowledge to those seeking it and showcased impressive innovations.” His summary: “We welcomed experts from every field of health care at our association’s stand. People with disabilities and their families used the opportunity to exchange experiences with the self-help groups that were present at the trade fair, to ask questions about the provision of aids and to be inspired by the diverse offer they encountered on their tour of the trade fair.”
This year, there was much discussion on how digitalisation will change self-help and how it can contribute to optimising information and communication processes. “If we want to successfully guide self-help towards the future, we have to face these questions and develop new concepts,” said Dr. Danner. “In the course of this, we can benefit from the expertise of the REHACARE exhibitors and the innovations and solutions that they offer.”
REHACARE’s visitors travelled to Düsseldorf from 80 countries and once again showed a particular interest in mobility aids and devices for daily use, followed by aids for people with sensory disabilities as well as smart communication software and hardware.
When asked about the trade fair run, the exhibitors at REHACARE gave positive feedback and were delighted by how open and inquisitive the visitors were.
Klaus Gierse, Managing Director of moso Motion Solutions GmbH, summed up the trade fair run in just three words: “We are delighted”. The company, which is based in Remscheid, Germany, specialises in mobility solutions for people with multiple and severe disabilities. “We were able to reach people seeking aids, cost bearers and industry experts, which basically means every target group that is relevant for our company,” said Klaus Gierse. REHACARE is significant for this regular exhibitor. “Our presence at the trade fair provides us with orders for an entire year.”
“We have come to REHACARE in Düsseldorf to position our products in the German and European markets and to find distribution partners,” said Young-Sik Kim, Executive Principal at the National Information Society Service (NIA) in Korea. Young-Sik Kim organised participation in the trade fair for five small and medium-sized companies that offer inclusive solutions for people with visual and hearing impairments. “This is our second time in Düsseldorf. Our experience proves that this trade fair offers great opportunities to successfully present intelligent aids to international industry experts and buyers.” The companies have already established first contacts to potential partners, and are determined to take part in REHACARE 2020.
The speeches and panel discussions at the TREFFPUNKT REHACARE attracted a great deal of interest. At the trade fair’s opening on Wednesday, 250 visitors took part in a series of presentations on the opportunities and limits of digitalisation in care to obtain information on this topic. The series concluded with the insight that a broader discourse is needed, that involves society as a whole, includes all parties involved, and considers ethical and moral aspects in order to successfully use digital technology in professional care and care at home in a manner that increases quality.
The concept of the new Products&News@rehacare forum, namely to present innovations from the stands on stage, worked. A lot of visitors used the programme to enhance the impressions they gained during their tour of the trade fair and to obtain more in-depth information.
On 19 September, the second M-Enabling Forum Europe had an extremely successful run. The forum was dedicated to promoting digital and accessible information and communication technologies. Regine Gessner, Managing Director Europe of forum host E.J. Krause & Associates, summed up the event. “With 180 participants, we have increased numbers and we were also able to substantially expand our internationality. We had a lively event with committed speakers and conference participants, who had intensive discussions and used the opportunity to network. Many sponsors and exhibitors are already thinking about participating again next year.” The third M-Enabling Forum Europe will take place on 24 September 2020, during REHACARE.
The organisers of the 15th MCC RehaForum can look back on a successful event as well. On 19 and 20 September, 100 industry experts discussed economical and technological developments on the rehabilitation market as well as the current political framework conditions.
What’s good, will be well received! For the Disability and Rehabilitation Sports Association of North Rhine Westphalia, REHACARE 2019 ended on this pleasant note. The activities on offer drew thousands of visitors to the Sports Center, which filled the entire Hall 7a. On all four days of the trade fair, people with disabilities, carers and school classes experienced the diverse range of options for people with and without disabilities.
The next REHACARE will take place in Düsseldorf from 23 to 26 September 2020.
Düsseldorf, 21 September 2019