
"The BGG Arbitration Body is a solid tool to file for rights violation complaint at no charge"

We asked Anne Katrin Lutz and Dr. Rica Werner, arbitrators at the conciliation body of the BGG


Photo: Employees of the Arbitration Body: Anne Katrin Lutz, Dr. Rica Werner, Antje Halamoda and Sabine Tekir; Copyright: Die Hoffotografen GmbH

The arbitrators and the members of the BGG conciliation board's office. From left to right: Anne Katrin Lutz, Dr. Rica Werner, Antje Halamoda and Sabine Tekir. The new colleague in the conciliation board Mr. Crispin Nodorf is not shown.

Image: Screenshot of the Arbitration Body Website; Copyright: BGG Arbitration Body

Since the BGG arbitration service began its work in December last year, the five employees can now draw a positive conclusion.

Photo: Anne Hofmann; Copyright: private

© private

Photo: Hand holding microphone; Copyright:
