REHACARE offers a comprehensive insight into the latest developments in mobility, everyday aids and rehabilitation. Discover how modern technologies can improve the everyday lives of people with disabilities and which trends and products are shaping the industry.15.05.2023
The technology of "the glasses that replace the guide dog" has been patented in the USA and will soon be patented in the European Union. The technology provides a new level of mobility and self-determination for people with blindness and visual impairments, replicating the capabilities of a guide dog through cameras, computer chips, haptic signals, and sounds.23.09.2021
Even dogs have to go to school. At the WZ Hundezentrum in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, service dogs are trained for their upcoming everyday work and learn everything that is necessary during the three and a half years of training. How exactly the right puppies are selected for this demanding task and what they have to learn, we from REHACARE.com had them show us.