
Image: a man with dark hair is wearing an exoskeleton and lifts a woman who sits in a wheelchair; Copyright: FLP Media

FLP Media

Exoskeletons in care: how technology can relieve care workers and keep them on the job


Back pain, work overload and sickness-related absences are part of everyday life for many employees. According to the BKK health report, musculoskeletal disorders lead to above-average absenteeism. A technological solution could now help to relieve the burden on nursing staff: exoskeletons. But how realistic is their use in practice?
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Image: Young man in black work clothes, Florian Ridder, sits in the cab of a forklift truck; Copyright: Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe

Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe

More opportunities for everyone: How inclusion in companies enriches the work environment


165,725 severely disabled people were unemployed in Germany on average in 2023. This figure illustrates the ongoing challenge: people with disabilities often find it more difficult to find a job on the primary labor market than jobseekers without disabilities, despite having good qualifications.
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Picture: Man in a suit, Joachim Schoss, smiling into the camera; Copyright: EnableMe


EnableMe: Support in all stages of life


Joachim Schoss is the founder of EnableMe and an ambassador for the #TogetherForInclusion initiative. His personal experiences shaped his desire to make a difference. With EnableMe, Schoss has created a broad-based platform for people with disabilities that addresses important issues in their private and professional lives.
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Image: Logo of EnableMe Insights; Copyright: EnableMe


EnableMe Insights – Participation as the key to better assistive devices and more inclusion


"Nothing about us without us" is the motto of EnableMe Insights. The message is clear: accessibility and inclusion only work if people with disabilities are actively involved in the various development processes. In an interview with, Boryana Milova from EnableMe talks about the goals and challenges of the project – and how you can get involved.
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Photo: Four responsible persons, composed of Ottobock and HAWK, stand in front of two exhibitors of HAWK; Copyright: HAWK


Ottobock and HAWK conclude cooperation agreement


Ottobock and HAWK have signed a cooperation agreement for the Orthobionics study course in order to train specialists for the growing future market. Ottobock is contributing its industry expertise, supporting innovative teaching, promoting practical training and planning an endowed professorship for the course.
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Image: Detail of a handshake between two people. In the background: Detail of two people applauding; Copyright: tongpatong


Sunrise Medical completes strategic acquisition of Ride Designs


Sunrise Medical has announced the acquisition of Ride Designs, the industry leader in customized seating systems for wheelchair users. This acquisition expands Sunrise Medical's product offering in seating and positioning systems with high-quality customized solutions.
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Image: Collage of images of the Participants of the European Accessibility Summit panel on accessible digital work environment; Copyright: European Disability Forum

European Disability Forum

Enabling an accessible digital work environment


The European Accessibility Summit discussed the importance of creating an inclusive digital work environment for workers with disabilities and promoting digital skills for all. The panel highlighted the challenges faced by people with disabilities in digital inclusion and emphasized the need for accessibility and reasonable accommodation.
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Photo: Two women, one of them in a wheelchair, sit at a desk and work together on a computer; Copyright: Andi Weiland, Boehringer Ingelheim /

Andi Weiland, Boehringer Ingelheim /

Inclusion in the workplace: how to make real participation in working life a reality


Workplace inclusion – a topic that has preoccupied many people for decades, but continues to receive little attention in society. Instead of asking what measures can be taken to make a workplace barrier-free, many people with disabilities are still excluded and labelled as "not employable".
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Photo: the REHACARE logo on two large white boxes; linked to video

Highlights of REHACARE 2023


REHACARE 2023 – four days of exciting topics, innovative solutions, enthusiastic visitors and satisfied exhibitors. We show you the best impressions and most important highlights of the trade fair for assistive devices and rehabilitation in Düsseldorf.
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Photo: a young man in camouflage pants and dark green T-shirt lies on a physiotherapy couch and is being treated by a man; Copyright: envato/Iakobchuk


Rehabilitation for soldiers


Whether in private or on duty, anyone who is injured as a member of the Bundeswehr (the armed forces of the Federal Republic of Germany) is entitled to extensive rehabilitation. After all, the fitness for duty of members of the Bundeswehr is an important asset – the troops should always be ready for action.
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Photo: a young woman sitting in front of a laptop and signing with her hands; Copyright: envato/astakhovyaroslav


REHACARE 2023: Professional participation is possible for all


People with disabilities have the guaranteed right to be part of the community in all areas of life. But unfortunately, there are still far too many barriers that exclude individuals from the community.
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Photo: Caesar van Heyningen and Thomas Saur shake hands and look into the camera; Copyright: CUREosity GmbH

CUREosity GmbH

Changes in the management of CUREosity


Caesar van Heyningen will become the new CEO of CUREosity, a leader in the development of VR therapy systems for the medical field, on July 1, 2023. His predecessor, Thomas Saur, will assume the role of CVO. Together with the CTO, Stefan Arand, they form the company's new management team, which aims to establish and further expand the company internationally.
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Photo: Man with beard sitting in a sweeper with electric step; Copyright: PARAVAN


PARAVAN: Reintegration into working life with disabilities


PARAVAN GmbH demonstrates a wide range of possibilities for individually adapting vehicles and machines to make it easier for people with disabilities to re-enter working life, whether through adaptations to access or the control of the vehicles. Inclusion in the workplace requires willingness and a common basic understanding among all parties involved.
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Image: Detail of a hand with a pen in front of a laptop; Copyright: European Disability Forum

European Disability Forum

Companies in the EU will have to report on disability inclusion


The new EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Reporting requires companies operating in the EU to report on their practices for the inclusion of persons with disabilities and other marginalized groups. The reporting standards have been published, and companies will gradually implement them starting from the financial year 2024.
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Photo: Women and men on the LWL/LVR stage during REHACARE 2022; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann

Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann

Inclusion in the workplace: public agencies champion occupational participation


In times of skills shortages, more companies are recognizing the potential of inclusion in the labor market. Many job advertisements now explicitly address people with disabilities. Public agencies provide support and advice on (re)entering the workforce.
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Photo: a woman and a man at an exhibition stand advising on aids for the blind; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann

Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann

Assistive devices on the job: solutions for occupational participation


As a trade fair for rehabilitation and care, REHACARE has been a meeting place for people who work in this specialist field or individuals who themselves have a disability and their relatives for over 40 years. Each come to discover the latest developments and opportunities, for example in the field of aids, training and careers, therapy or travel/leisure.
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Image: Labor Force Participation Rate for people with and without disabilities from 2019 till 2022; Copyright: Kessler Foundation

Kessler Foundation

Employment of people with disabilities reached new levels in 2022, outperforming their peers without disabilities


According to a special 2022 edition of National Trends in Disability Employment (nTIDE), published by the Kessler Foundation and the University of New Hampshire's Institute on Disability (UNH-IOD) and based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average monthly employment rate increased in 2022 for people with disabilities.
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Image: Woman wearing the Ottobock Shoulder exoskeleton while inserting a large lamp; Copyright: Ottobock


Hard work made easy: exoskeletons for industry and logistics


The company Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA continues its focus on ergonomic workplaces. Highlights include the latest Ottobock BackX and Ottobock Shoulder exoskeletons, which support people in industries such as logistics, retail, automotive and aviation.
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Photo: Many visitors sit in the expert forum TREFFPUNKT REHACARE and listen to the speakers; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann

Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann

TREFFPUNKT REHACARE 2022: Highlight topics from the expert forum


TREFFPUNKT REHACARE is your central platform for lectures, panel discussions, and the exchange of information and experience. Topics included the digitization of the workplace and recreational environment, technical assistance and vocational rehabilitation with a focus on exoskeletons, job coaching, and rehabilitation for people living with long or post-COVID conditions.
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Photo: a man stands with his arms outstretched in a factory hall to present an exoskeleton on his back; Copyright: Ottobock


Preventing work-related injuries: exoskeletons curb repetitive stress injuries


Lifting boxes above head height, repositioning a bedridden patient, or assembling heavy components in production - many work-related activities go along with monotonous postures or repetitive lifting. Exoskeletons can reduce strain and prevent long-term musculoskeletal injuries and illnesses.
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Photo: a person in a suit writes the word


Start-ups in the auxiliary aids industry


Anyone visiting REHACARE on site will notice numerous small stands in addition to the larger stands of many established companies. Here you can often find new start-ups that want to expand the assistive technology sector with a fresh idea.
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Photo: Alina Esleben smiling, looking to the right; Copyright: Yvy Anheier

Yvy Anheier

Alina Esleben – That's how she rolls


Instead of new assistive devices, Alina Esleben would like to see a normalization of accessible public spaces and transportation. On she shares her thoughts on local production within the assistive technology industry and how she rolls otherwise.
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Photo: A young redhead woman sitting in an electric wheelchair in the forest and smiling at the camera; Copyright: private


Hannah B. – That's how she rolls


More awareness in everyday life – that's what Hannah B. wishes from society in regards to disabilities and their various forms. On, the 25-year-old from Berlin reveals who or what restored her lost self-confidence and how she rolls otherwise.
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Photo: a blind man is reading a book with braille characters; Copyright: dzb lesen

dzb lesen

Touch, hear, participate: Assistive technology helps conquer visual impairment


Blindness or visual impairment means a loss or partial loss of the sense of sight. What it doesn't mean is that those who are impacted by this must aim lower or feel inferior. An abundance of vision aids does a fantastic job of replacing the sense of sight in the best way possible.
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Photo: Employee with crutches in the entrance area of the company headquarters/office building; Copyright: Andi Weiland | Boehringer Ingelheim,

Andi Weiland | Boehringer Ingelheim,

Labor force participation of people with disabilities in the time of Coronavirus – opportunities and stumbling blocks


Not many of us are lucky enough to find our dream job and stay in it until the day we retire. Sometimes this might be due to health and medical reasons, which could necessitate occupational rehabilitation. If people have a severe disability, Germany’s Federal Integration Offices, or Inclusion Offices along with the pension insurance providers are the responsible authorities.
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Photo: Business woman sitting at a laptop and taking handwritten notes; Copyright: PantherMedia/mavoimages


REHADAT Gute Praxis: "Labor force participation requires targeted and personalized measures"


What are strategies for successful inclusion in the primary labor market? Many employers only have a vague idea of what this entails, revealing the importance of comprehensive and practical information. The new REHADAT Gute Praxis (English: Best Practice) portal aims to be their go-to resource – and includes 900 practical examples. Why are they especially useful? We asked...
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