Dot Incorporation
The new Dot Pad is not only smaller and lighter, but also much cheaper than conventional tactile displays – making them more affordable and accessible for people with vision impairments. Dot Inc makes the online world of images more accessible and aims to improve other areas as well. In our interview the Senior Manager Mergel Takam talks about the advantages and technology behind the Dot Pad.dzb lesen
Blindness or visual impairment means a loss or partial loss of the sense of sight. What it doesn't mean is that those who are impacted by this must aim lower or feel inferior. An abundance of vision aids does a fantastic job of replacing the sense of sight in the best way possible.Andi Weiland | Boehringer Ingelheim,
Especially for blind and visually impaired people, the lack of or non-working augmentative communication devices frequently means that they have no prospect of participating in the workplace. We discussed with Bruno Behrendt from Papenmeier why screen readers are sometimes nothing more than pretty tools and learned why technical support is THE perennial issue when it comes to customer service.