
Videos from our eMag

Slim, stable and easy-to-use – a one-handed walking aid: The Wheeleo® for rehabilitation and at home
After a stroke, many people want one thing above all else: independence within their own four walls. The Wheeleo® walking aid, developed by physiotherapist Geoffrey Dellicour at the William Lennox Rehacenter in Belgium, makes this possible. This four-wheeled walking aid offers stable support and is the first of its kind that can be operated with just one hand.
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Highlights of REHACARE 2024
REHACARE offers a comprehensive insight into the latest developments in mobility, everyday aids and rehabilitation. Discover how modern technologies can improve the everyday lives of people with disabilities and which trends and products are shaping the industry.
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Children's aids: The best support from an early age
Aids for children require special care to enable them to lead as independent a life as possible. Several suppliers in Hall 4 explained to us how this is reflected in the manufacturing process.
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Robotics and neurotechnology: supports and aids
Various diseases and disabilities can restrict the mobility of the upper extremities – and thus also the quality of life. Fortunately, numerous exhibitors at REHACARE have made it their mission to help those affected.
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Vehicle conversions: be and stay mobile
It is not for nothing that vehicle conversion providers are a magnet for the public at every REHACARE, because conversions for the disabled guarantee mobility. We found out about the latest products in this area for you in Hall 6.
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Exoskeletons – Help with lifting, standing and walking
What do care workers and people with spinal cord injury have in common? At first glance, nothing! But if you take a closer look during REHACARE 2024, you will discover one overlap between them: they both benefit from exoskeletons.
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Rehabilitation with gamification and VR – Interview with CUREosity GmbH
Since 2021, CUREosity GmbH has been proving with CUREO that rehabilitation does not have to be monotonous. With CUREO, people can complete exercises in a virtual reality (VR) environment in a fun way. This not only increases motivation to exercise, but also relieves the burden on therapists, who do not have to constantly supervise the exercises.
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Orthopaedic assistance thanks to 3D printing
For some years now, the use of 3D printers has been steadily increasing. The devices offer many possibilities to give free rein to one's own creativity. But in addition to simple gimmicks, the printers can also produce a variety of complex products quickly and reliably. Create it REAL uses the technology for orthopaedic CAM solutions.
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Highlights of REHACARE 2023
REHACARE 2023 – four days of exciting topics, innovative solutions, enthusiastic visitors and satisfied exhibitors. We show you the best impressions and most important highlights of the trade fair for assistive devices and rehabilitation in Düsseldorf.
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Sensory disabilities: Perception is individual
Most people use five senses – they see, hear, taste, feel and smell. But this is not a given. People with a sensory disability live with one or more senses that can only be used to a limited extent or not at all. At REHACARE, we collected impressions of assistive devices for people with sensory disabilities.
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HKK Bionics: Motion is freedom
Most people use their hands for countless activities – every day. But what happens when your own hands no longer want to do what you are used to? At REHACARE, we spoke with HKK Bionics GmbH and asked them what makes their products for people with disabilities of the hands so special and how they can help people in everyday life. HKK Bionics can be found during the trade fair in Hall 4 / Stand D47.
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Dare to make a new start – manage the return to work
Many people living with a disability or chronic illness face particular challenges in the labour market. Prejudices, structural barriers in road traffic or in buildings, lack of confidence in their own abilities – the list is long. At REHACARE, various authorities, institutions and associations present possibilities and give practical tips on how to get back into work or to reorient oneself.
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Exhibit, exchange, collaborate
Over 700 exhibitors will present a wide range of products and solutions for people with disabilities or chronic illnesses at REHACARE 2023. In addition to the exchange with those affected and their relatives, the focus is also on networking and collaboration between companies. We wanted to know more about how companies benefit from this exchange.
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Rehabilitation: Becoming mobile with virtual worlds and robotics
Above all, rehabilitation requires energy and motivation. Exhibitors at REHACARE 2022 want to achieve the latter with the help of virtual worlds and robotics. For example, the VR goggles from CUREosity GmbH offer exciting worlds of play, while Cyberdyne Care Robotics GmbH uses a robotic gait trainer for paraplegics and MS patients. Tyromotion GmbH also relies on robotics for its therapy devices.
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Making contacts at REHACARE
Whether visitors or exhibitors – REHACARE has always stood for personal encounters. People from all over the world come together at the largest trade fair for rehabilitation and care. In the exhibition halls, they can not only try out the countless products, but also exchange ideas with each other. And REHACARE is the perfect place for that!
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Highlights of REHACARE 2022
Up close and live on site: REHACARE, the world's largest trade fair for rehabilitation and care, showed what the assistive technology industry has to offer in terms of technological innovations with numerous new and proven products to touch and try out. Whether rehabilitation, care, mobility or occupational participation – the diversity of the industry was omnipresent.
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NeuroMobility: Ottobock presents Exopulse Mollii Suit
NeuroMobility is a central topic at Ottobock this year. That's why the Exopulse Mollii Suit is one of the product highlights at their booth. Daniel Hublitz tells us in this interview who the full-body neuromodulation suit was developed for and how REHACARE is the perfect showcase for their latest product.
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Check, check: testing auxiliary means at REHACARE
The proof of the pudding is in the eating – this sounds trite, but it is especially important when it comes to assistive devices. Trying out a new wheelchair or trying on an exoskeleton is the best way to find out whether an aid really suits your needs. The exhibiting companies at REHACARE are well prepared for this, so that visitors can test the wide range of products hands-on.
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Revealing the new Genny Zero at REHACARE 2022
Genny Factory has launched the latest model of its self-balancing wheelchairs at REHACARE 2022. In this interview, Luca Wullschleger reveals why REHACARE is the right trade fair for the product and what they have planned for the future.
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Wolturnus brings Danish design to REHACARE
Whether it's aids for children's rehabilitation or new sports equipment, Wolturnus show in Hall 4/E35 how they use Danish design for greater accessibility and participation. Marco Hessler tells us in an interview what this has to do with the Paralympics, among other things.
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Expert forums of REHACARE 2022
Exciting presentations and lively exchange: The expert forums TREFFPUNKT REHACARE (Hall 6/E25) and PRODUCTS & NEWS @REHACARE (powered by MOBITIPP) (Hall 4/H07) offer interesting insights into a wide variety of topics. The programs are packed full. A visit is worthwhile!
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REHACARE is finally back!
Welcome to REHACARE 2022! Experience the world's largest trade fair for rehabilitation and care with all the important companies in the industry. We are looking forward to welcoming you personally in Düsseldorf!
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A flying carpet among wheelchairs: Visiting the workshop of moso
At moso, wheelchairs are adapted to the individual needs of the user: for example, steering is possible with the head, cheek or by blowing and the wheelchair can be built to descend completely to the floor. The various COSEAT models are unique worldwide. In the video, Nikolai Kaiser, among others, explains what makes them so special. At REHACARE 2022, moso can be found in Hall 4/D60.
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Wheelchair trends 2021 – try and train for more mobility
The right wheelchair is worth its weight in gold. Today, wheelchair users not only have access to suitable shapes and functions but can also make individual design choices. At least as important, however, is the practiced use of the aid. Medical supply stores and mobility training courses can help with all of this – for example, at the rahm Center for Health.
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Converted and safe: Mobile with your own car
For people with disabilities in particular having their own vehicle is incredibly important for their mobility. Whether behind the wheel themselves or for the safe transportation of people with disabilities – the conversion industry always has suitable solutions at the ready. We asked our exhibitors what new, innovative products they have in their portfolio in terms of mobility.
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Sunrise Medical: The right wheelchair for me
How do I find the right wheelchair for me? The answer is certainly different for every user, as everyone has different requirements and needs. At REHACARE 2024, we asked two professionals at the Sunrise Medical stand about this topic: Mareike Miller and Thomas Böhme.
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Hand bike made to measure – Interview with HP Velotechnik
Being independently mobile and active and sporty at the same time – that's what hand bikes make possible! In addition to good design, safe handling is very important. We took a look at new bike models at the HP Velotechnik stand at REHACARE 2024.
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Cinematic impressions from the press tour
Experience REHACARE 2024 through the eyes of journalists: From innovative products to inspiring encounters, every shot from the press tour is truly captivating.
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Individual vehicle conversion at KADOMO
The company KADOMO converts vehicles so that people with physical disabilities can be mobile. The team provides advice on adapting driving licenses, customizes vehicle technology and helps people to get around safely.
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Making cycling possible for everyone – exploring the new HASE BIKES flagship store
Mobility means more than just moving from A to B. It means freedom and independence. This makes it all the more important to enable unrestricted mobility for everyone. At Schaltwerk – the new flagship store of HASE BIKES in Waltrop, Germany – visitors can discover new ways to become or remain self-determined and mobile.
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Lifestyle: Live your dream – traction devices for wheelchairs and more
Life is too short for boredom. People with disabilities or chronic illnesses also want pursue their dreams, passions and hobbies like anyone else. Sometimes this requires special assistance devices. What these are and what possibilities they offer, we wanted to know from the exhibitors at REHACARE.
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NextGuide: White cane with directional guide
Development teams from a wide range of aids compete against each other in the CYBATHLON at ETH Zurich to test new solutions in a fair competition. At REHACARE, ETH Zurich will present the CYBATHLON and its various competition disciplines. One of the developer teams present is NextGuide, which has developed an intelligent cane for the blind.
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For the future of all children
For children to be our future, we must first provide them with a future. Children and young people with a disability or chronic illness need special assistive devices adapted to their body size and developmental stages. Here, other factors play a role than in the case of devices for adults. We looked around at REHACARE for solutions for young people.
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Strengthen and protect the body with exoskeletons
Science fiction a few years ago, exoskeletons are already a reality today. But while they are used regularly in some industries to lift heavy loads, their use in care or in the area of self-determined mobility is still the exception. At REHACARE, various companies will present their ideas and solutions with which those affected and carers could benefit from this technology now and in the future.
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CYBATHLON: Competition promotes progress
New techniques, technologies, strategies and ideas have always been particularly important when competing against rivals. In the CYBATHLON, people with disabilities, supported by the latest developments from the assistive technology industry, regularly compete against each other to test new innovations under sporting and fair conditions.
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From REHACARE to sporting heights?
Inclusion means taking part – also in sports. The Rehabilitation and Sports Association of People with Disabilities in North-Rhine Westphalia (BRSNW) is therefore once again providing a place at REHACARE with its Sports Center where people with disabilities or chronic illnesses can experience exactly that.
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Safe on all paths – with the Smart Walker from Camino Robotics
Not just any walker: with the Smart Walker, Camino Robotics wants to enable people to walk new paths in the truest sense of the word. In addition to the lightweight design, the presentation at REHACARE also focuses on smart AI and remote monitoring of vital signs. Jeff Jones, Chief Business Officer of Camino, told us in an interview what else the Smart Walker can do.
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Unique in function and design: adaptive clothing from FunWear
Ideas for adaptive clothing – directly from the life experiences of a family. This is what FunWear from Poland stands for. The family business develops and sells clothing for people with individual needs. At REHACARE, we spoke with family father and co-owner Lukasz Wysocki.
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Breaking freezing: Ossenberg presents anti-freezing walking stick
Many people with Parkinson's are familiar with the sudden freezing when walking – so called freezing. When the feeling of paralysis sets in, nothing works anymore. Ossenberg GmbH has taken on the problem and developed a special anti-freezing walking stick. Björn Furche, project manager at Ossenberg, explains at REHACARE how exactly the cane can break freezing.
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Invictus Games – A home for respect
Soldiers who have suffered physical or psychological injuries in the field have long been left alone to deal with their problems. The Invictus Games, launched in 2014 by Britain's Prince Harry, now give these people a chance to be seen and to compete against each other in sport. The competitions will take place parallel to REHACARE until 16.09.2023 at the Messe Düsseldorf exhibition centre.
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Decide for yourself where you go: intelligent wheelchair control for complex movement disorders
CoMoveIT's new control system for power wheelchairs offers entirely new possibilities in terms of mobility. With two foot pedals and three sophisticated sensors on the headpiece, this groundbreaking system enables intuitive and independent control of one's own power wheelchair.
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Eat, grasp and communicate independently again: assistive device highlights at HIDREX
Doing vital things that were previously only possible with the help of others independently again – this is made possible by the assisstive devices from HIDREX GmbH. With the Obi robot (an adaptive eating device), for example, people can eat independently. The carbon hand of HIDREX offers reliable and powerful grasping. The company also offers various solutions for aided communication.
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Hands-On-Bikes by HP Velotechnik
Get on the bike and let's go. With the Hands-On-Bikes from HP Velotechnik, the excursion becomes even more exciting than with other handbikes: The company takes an approach with its Hands-On-Bikes that not only has more features for the users, but also improves the view.
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Action at the REHACARE Sports Center
Whether table tennis, basketball or skiing: At the REHACARE Sports Center, visitors have the opportunity to try out various inclusive sports or compete with other people in sports. But the best thing is to drop by yourself and maybe you will find a new (sports) passion there?
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Blind soccer training session
Dribbling, shooting and hitting the goal? Fortuna Düsseldorf can do that! But does it work without them seeing anything? Together with our trade fair team, they ventured onto the field at the REHACARE 2022 Sports Center and tried it out. The conclusion of everyone involved: it was fun!
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Reading texts like the sighted: The mobile reading device OrCam MyEye in practice
Glasses on and off you go! With the OrCam MyEye, blind and visually impaired people can not only easily have printed and digital texts read aloud – products, faces, banknotes and colors can also be recognized without any problems. In addition, the device has many other advantages.
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At the training camp for service dogs
Even dogs have to go to school. At the WZ Hundezentrum in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, service dogs are trained for their upcoming everyday work and learn everything that is necessary during the three and a half years of training. How exactly the right puppies are selected for this demanding task and what they have to learn, we from had them show us.
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Self-determined interaction in multisensory rooms
At the touch of a button or by eye movement – in multisensory rooms (MSR), the entire atmosphere of the room can change completely with just small actions. This enables memorable lessons of self-efficacy. Mareike Köhler from REHAVISTA GmbH tells us in this video exactly what experiencing with the whole body and all the senses can look like.
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Outdoor fun: Sports equipment for outdoor activities
Whether on wheels or blades – in order for outdoor sports to bring unrestricted fun to people with a physical disability, they need the right auxiliary means for it. Companies like BamBuk, KADOMO and TESSIER have therefore made it their business to manufacture precisely these assistive devices and thus enable self-determined participation.
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Online fashion show: Adaptive fashion for people with and without disabilities
If fashion is practical and also keeps up with the latest chic trends, it has achieved its goal. We present pictures of two fashion labels that combine great style and functionality and make it work in everyday life and not just for wheelchair users and people of short stature.
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Photo shoot for the new look – Behind The Scenes
New year, fresh faces – also on! In our exclusive "Behind The Scenes" video, we show you a little foretaste of what you can expect from REHACARE in 2024. Stay tuned and find out what else we have planned.
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Personality: Companies with passion
In the assistive technology industry, the focus is on people – at REHACARE as well. But what actually motivates companies to become active in this field? Behind many businesses is an astonishingly personal story that was once the cause and is still the motivation to help people. We took a closer look.
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Thumbs up for REHACARE!
The thumb clearly points upwards. REHACARE 2022 leaves behind enthusiastic visitors and exhibitors. Many people seeking and offering help have come together in Düsseldorf, countless aids have been viewed, tested and tried on. A successful trade fair for rehabilitation and care comes to an end after four days.
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Kristina Vogel at REHACARE
The multiple Olympic champion and exceptional athlete Kristina Vogel was on the road at REHACARE on Friday: Among other things, she was at the stand of trivida, for which she is also a brand ambassador. Some visitors also took the opportunity to talk to her on site.
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Self-determination, joy of life, standing ovations!
Rail system, bracket, seat lifting unit – that’s Standing Ovation, developed by Peter Lammer, who could no longer exercise his cooking profession after an accident. Now he can pursue his profession and passion full of joy again. In Hall 6/E25 you can talk to him personally!
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Where the sticks are dancing - Dergin Tokmaks fabulous crutches
Dergin Tokmak and Ossenberg GmbH met at REHACARE 2012. Since then they have been a good team. What makes the Stix crutches so special and what they have to endure, Tokmak and Andreas Fritz tell in our interview.
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Self-determined and empowering: Activists with disabilities
Nothing about us without us – this is the central demand of activists with disabilities. They get involved socially and politically, both on a larger and a smaller scale. And they met this year for a get-together at REHACARE.
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