On her travels around the world, Sabine Klemens feels true freedom and lightness. As often as possible, she travels with her family in a caravan and discovers new things - although she still has a few dream destinations to visit. Why her wheelchair should have a parachute and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on REHACARE.com.19.06.2024
Sarah Brückner is a passionate musician. Together with her husband, she performs as the folk duo Mrs. Greenbird. An accident in 2021 changed many things. As a social pedagogue, Sarah Brückner had already fought for inclusion in the past. What has changed for her as a prosthesis user and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on REHACARE.com.18.09.2023
Development teams from a wide range of aids compete against each other in the CYBATHLON at ETH Zurich to test new solutions in a fair competition. At REHACARE, ETH Zurich will present the CYBATHLON and its various competition disciplines. One of the developer teams present is NextGuide, which has developed an intelligent cane for the blind.18.09.2023
Life is too short for boredom. People with disabilities or chronic illnesses also want pursue their dreams, passions and hobbies like anyone else. Sometimes this requires special assistance devices. What these are and what possibilities they offer, we wanted to know from the exhibitors at REHACARE.15.09.2023
For children to be our future, we must first provide them with a future. Children and young people with a disability or chronic illness need special assistive devices adapted to their body size and developmental stages. Here, other factors play a role than in the case of devices for adults. We looked around at REHACARE for solutions for young people.20.03.2023
Many stroke survivors suffer from aphasia. According to a recent study at the University of Helsinki, singing-based group rehabilitation can support patients' communication and speech production and increase social activity even in the chronic phase of stroke.15.03.2023
Denise was 29 years old when she underwent disc surgery – a seemingly harmless procedure. However, the surgery didn't go as smoothly as planned and when she woke up from anaesthesia, she could no longer feel her right thigh. The diagnosis: incomplete paraplegia. The world's first smart leg orthosis, the C-Brace® has given the mother of two new mobility and improved her quality of life.08.03.2023
The transition from elderly people being fully independent to needing a bit of help is often gradual. Sometimes the signs aren’t obvious nor are these people actively seeking out help. But in order to keep them safe in their own home, we need to proactively take some steps to make daily tasks easier.16.12.2022
Building communication, strengthening skills, and responding to individual needs – that is the goal of icho systems GmbH. To realize their vision, the team has developed the ichó therapy ball. It brings therapeutic measures and individual support to people's homes and can be used to promote cognition and motor activity.05.10.2022
Getting used to an assistive device is not always easy. That's how Svenja felt about her wheelchair at first. But now she appreciates how much freedom and flexibility it gives her in everyday life. Which other aid she thinks should be invented and which special wheelchair she once discovered at REHACARE, she tells us on REHACARE.com.18.08.2022
As children grow up and develop, their needs keep changing. If the response to their special needs for auxiliary aids and services isn’t quick and competent, it creates problems that could have been avoided at a systemic level, says Christiana Hennemann. rehaKINDis committed to improving the situation and giving constructive feedback to policymakers, the public and other important stakeholders.29.06.2022
Ann-Kathrin Ulbrich was heavily pregnant when paralysis suddenly appeared in her right leg. As a mother of three, she was then suddenly dependent on a wheelchair. But she rose to the challenge and is proud of it. How she manages her everyday life, which aid is indispensable for this and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on REHACARE.com.02.04.2022
There are more than four million people in need of care in Germany, and for every one of them there are one or more caregivers. Discussions about their situation often focus on the right equipment, such as care beds, walkers or drinking cups. But one factor for pleasant and professional care is often forgotten – clothing.29.07.2021
Dogs are not only popular pets, but in some cases they also do important work: Assistance dogs trained for people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are not only a physical companion in everyday life, but above all must also be a psychological support. The association Rehahunde Deutschland e.V. trains such dogs. This year it celebrated its 15th anniversary.17.06.2021
At the touch of a button or by eye movement – in multisensory rooms (MSR), the entire atmosphere of the room can change completely with just small actions. This enables memorable lessons of self-efficacy. Mareike Köhler from REHAVISTA GmbH tells us in this video exactly what experiencing with the whole body and all the senses can look like.04.11.2020
The PINO semi-recumbent tandem from HASE BIKES has always been as versatile as a whole fleet of vehicles. As a tandem it is particularly popular among cyclists with disabilities and bike-travel enthusiasts, as a family taxi it turns young passengers into actively pedalling co-pilots, and as a cargo bike, even with just one rider, it can transport almost any load you can think of.25.09.2020
Since May 2020, the sibling support of the Angelika Reichelt Kinder- und Jugendhospizes Joshuas Engelreich (English: Angelika Reichelt Children and Youth Hospice) has been taking place in the newly created so called Geschwisterinsel (English: Sibling Island). You can gain a small insight in our photo gallery.25.06.2020
How are families of children with disabilities coping during the coronavirus crisis? A recent online survey asked this question, prompting over 1,600 participants to respond in just two weeks. What do the survey results reveal about the current state of society in terms of social participation and inclusion? We asked Dorothea Kugelmeier and Dr. Raimund Schmolze-Krahn, who launched the study.